As the co-host of one of America’s most beloved television game shows, Wheel of Fortune, Vanna White is recognized for her beautiful gowns and her dazzling smile. However, during an exclusive interview with Dear Doctor magazine, she shared her experiences with cosmetic dentistry. “I had a bridge put in probably 30 years ago where I had a tooth pulled and there was a space,†Vanna said.
Prior to having a permanent tooth pulled, most people are concerned with what can be done to replace it. It’s important to follow through and do exactly that. This is especially true with back teeth. Just because you can’t see them, it doesn’t mean you won’t face problems if they are not replaced.
For example, did you know that missing posterior (back) teeth can lead to a wide array or problems with the remaining teeth, muscles, ligaments, joints and jaw bones? This includes:
- A decrease in chewing efficiency that in turn can impact your diet, nutrition and overall health
- Excessive erosion or wear of remaining teeth
- Tipping, migration, rotation and even loss of adjacent remaining teeth
- Painful jaw problems such as Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD)
One treatment option is to follow in Vanna’s footsteps and consider a fixed bridge. This is an excellent option when dental implants won’t work. And through our artistry, we can easily blend them in color and appearance with your surrounding teeth.
When implants are possible, they represent the best option. They are easily maintained and are a durable, long-lasting solution that can increase bite support.
To learn more about this topic, continue reading the Dear Doctor magazine article “Replacing Back Teeth.†Or if you are already missing a permanent tooth, you can contact us today to schedule an appointment so that we can conduct a thorough examination. We will also address any questions you have as well as your treatment options. And if you want to read the entire feature article on Vanna White, continue reading “Vanna White.â€