Porcelain dental veneers vs. Porcelain crowns—What’s the difference?
Each week, I listen to the questions patients are asking our team. A frequently-asked question relates improving one’s smile with Porcelain veneers and/or Porcelain crowns—specifically, what is the difference between the two. Here are some answers that might be helpful…
Porcelain veneers are thin layers of porcelain that mostly cover the front of the teeth. Thus when preparing the tooth for a veneer, the dentist can be much more conservative, leaving most of the tooth untouched. Porcelain crowns are restorations that cover the entire tooth, which involves shaping most of the tooth and generally more removal of tooth structure. Porcelain crowns are used in situations when the tooth had a previous crown or for teeth that had more decay or loss of tooth structure to begin with.
Porcelain veneers can allow the dentist to change the color, length, shape and even the position of a tooth. Porcelain crowns can do all of the same.
Porcelain veneers can strengthen a weak tooth. By bonding to the tooth, a veneer and actually hold a weaker tooth together, preventing fracturing of the tooth. Again, a Porcelain crown can accomplish the same results.
Both Porcelain veneers and Porcelain crowns are custom made for each tooth.
Both are bonded to the tooth—the strongest way we can place a restoration.
Depending on the situation, one individual might benefit from having veneers while another my need porcelain crowns to enhance their smile. The good new is that both approaches can have the same, natural-looking results.
I hope this information is helpful to you—if you have any other questions about Porcelain veneers and Porcelain crowns, or if you would like a Complimentary Cosmetic Dentistry Consult, please feel free to give us a call at [phone].
Until next time,
Dr. G